Want to sound more confident, influential, and credible?

FrippVT builds leaders, increases sales, and gets results.

The FrippVT web-based training platform provides you with 24/7 access to 18 courses presented in easy-to-absorb, 5-to-10-minute chapters. Testing, tracking, and monitoring are built into the system to track your progress. Handouts, topic-specific special reports, and bonus materials are found in the File Vault.

Your first eight courses are the public speaking and presentation skills core content.

If sales are your focus, our five sales courses will help: “Superstar Sales Presentations,” “Maximize Your Executive Overview,” “Maximize Your Networking Opportunities,” “How to Deliver a Dynamic Webinar,” and “The Prosperity Series: Fripp Live Sales.”

Executives and all keynote speakers will gain from seeing behind the scenes of “Leadership Presentations: How to Inspire Action and Commitment.”

Terrified to report to senior management? Want to know how to handle an introduction? Make your meetings more exciting? Do you spend too much time preparing presentations? FrippVT has the answers to these questions and most of the help you need.

The courses are designed to be helpful for novice public speakers as well as seasoned professionals. Executives, sales teams, and professionals of all skill levels dramatically improve the quality of their public speeches, executive presentations, sales conversations, virtual meetings, and keynote speaking engagements.

Whether you speak online or in person, to small or large audiences, in the boardroom or on convention stages, FrippVT can help.

If you have not already done so, check out the course outline, and experience a trial of our content-rich chapters of interactive training. What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose. Powerful public speakers have a competitive edge.

If you need personal help, many FrippVT members also engage Patricia Fripp to coach them.

If you would like a personal demo of FrippVT, book time here.

Don’t wait to take your first step to persuade, influence, and inspire.

Get started with FrippVT today!

Take a look at all the courses available. Open each course to see the chapters within.

  • Chapter 1 – Getting Started
  • Chapter 2 – What You Need to Know: The Basics
  • Chapter 3 – What Is the Magic? Speak from the Point of View of the Audience
  • Chapter 4 – The Creative Process: Where Do You Start?
  • Chapter 1 – Once Upon a Time Technique
  • Chapter 2 – Look to Your Family Examples
  • Chapter 3 – You Get Paid for What You Know  – Study Your Career
  • Chapter 4 – Attribute Meaning Where There Usually Isn’t Any
  • Chapter 5 – Listen to Your Friends
  • Chapter 6 – Customize Stories for Your Clients
  • Chapter 1 – A Quick Review
  • Chapter 2 – Clarifying Your Central Theme or Premise
  • Chapter 3 – Understanding the Fripp Speech Mode
  • Chapter 4 – The Body of the Speech
  • Chapter 5 – Options of Openings
  • Chapter 6 – Review, Q&A, and Challenge
  • Chapter 7 – Closing on a High: Your Last Words Linger
  • Chapter 1 – It’s All About the Audience
  • Chapter 2 – Build Emotional Connection Three Ways
  • Chapter 3 – Engage Your Audience Before You Open Your Presentation
  • Chapter 4 – Engage the Audience by Your Preparation
  • Chapter 1 – The Importance of a Good Story
  • Chapter 2 – The Not So Basic Basics
  • Chapter 3 – Enjoyed Any Good Conversations Recently?
  • Chapter 4 – Compelling Storytelling Can Be Learned
  • Chapter 5 – The Phrase That Pays
  • Chapter 6 – Tell the Story of the War Through the Eyes of One Soldier
  • Chapter 7 – Nobody Can Resist a Good Story Well Told
  • Chapter 1 – The First Thirty Seconds
  • Chapter 2 – Find the Connection to Your Audience
  • Chapter 3 – Setting the Scene – Hollywood Style
  • Chapter 4 – Get to the Point Fast
  • Chapter 5 – The Power of Questions
  • Chapter 6 – To Quote or Not to Quote, That Is the Question
  • Chapter 7 – Start in the Middle of a Conversation
  • Chapter 8 – An Interesting Statistic
  • Chapter 9 – A Little Known Fact
  • Chapter 10 – A Startling Statement or Challenge
  • Chapter 11 – Set the Stage with a Story
  • Chapter 12 – Relate to the Situation, the Introduction, or the Introducer
  • Chapter 13 – When in Doubt, What Would Fripp Say?
  • Chapter 1 The Quality of Being Specific
  • Chapter 1 – Want to Double Your Fee?
  • Chapter 2 – Three Suggestions for Questions
  • Chapter 3 – Why Not Become an Industry Expert?
  • Chapter 4 – Make the Executives and Sponsors Happy
  • Chapter 5 – We Can Be Heroes for More Than One Day
  • Chapter 6 – The Customer Knows Best
  • Chapter 7 – A Nice Problem to Have: How Do I Top That?
  • Chapter 8 – Who Sends You an Invoice?
  • Chapter 9 – You Know Your Subject; Now Prove Your Flexibility
  • Chapter 10 – Is Luck Ever a Strategy?
  • Chapter 1 The Stakes Are High
  • Chapter 2 Is That Great Speaker Really You?
  • Chapter 3 Warm Up before You Hit the Stage
  • Chapter 4 Do You Really Have Plenty of Time to Build Rapport?
  • Chapter 5 An Audience Will Forgive You Anything Except Being Boring
  • Chapter 6 The Person Behind the Position
  • Chapter 7 Appeal to Their Rational Self-Interest
  • Chapter 8 A Speech Is Not a Conversation; However, It Needs to Sound Conversational
  • Chapter 9 A Visual Aid Is Visual and an Aid
  • Chapter 10 Rehearsal Is the Work; Performance Is the Relaxation
  • Chapter 11 Learn from the Mistakes of Others
  • Chapter 1 – If You Sound the Same as Everyone Else, You Have No Advantage
  • Chapter 2 – What Do Poor Sales Presentations Really Cost?
  • Chapter 3 – Nobody Cares About You, Only about Solving Their Own Problems
  • Chapter 4 – The Skeleton Under the Flesh of Your Words
  • Chapter 5 – Connecting to Your Audience Two Ways
  • Chapter 6 – Nobody Can Resist a Good Story Well Told
  • Chapter 7 – It Is Not Your Client’s Job to Remember You
  • Chapter 8 – Help! I Am Lost Without My PowerPoint
  • Chapter 9 – Taking Your Message to the Next Level
  • Chapter 10 – It Is Not Only What You Say; It Is Also How You Say It
  • Chapter 1 – Webinars Are an Important Part of Business Communications
  • Chapter 2 – What Is Your Audience Going to See When They Tune In?
  • Chapter 3 – What Is Your Grabber Comment?
  • Chapter 4 – Now Is the Time to Introduce You
  • Chapter 5 – Let’s Get Them and Keep Them Involved
  • Chapter 6 – Two More Important Tips That May Save Your Sanity
  • Chapter 1 – The Stakes Are Higher – Get Ready!
  • Chapter 2 – Eight Fripp Rules for Senior Management Presentations
  • Chapter 3 – Fripp’s Four Don’ts and Three Where-to-Starts
  • Chapter 4 – Take It Home, Baby! The Principles in Action
  • Chapter 1 – Clear, Concise, Credible
  • Chapter 1 All Speaking Is Public Speaking
    1 Arrive Looking Your Best
    2 Develop a Distinctive Signature
    3 Make Your Mother Proud
    4 Work Your Name Tag
    5 Develop an Unforgettable Greeting
    6 Make Your Introduction Apply to Whomever You Are Meeting
    7 Just Like You
    8 Take the Initiative to Start Conversation
    9 Volunteer to Be a Greeter
    10 Look for Opportunities to Be Helpful at Events
    11 Greet Everyone
    12 Travel with Your Own PR Agent
  • Chapter 1 – What Is the Best Way to Handle an Introduction?
  • Chapter 2 – Introducing a Speaker Known to the Audience
  • Chapter 3 – Practical Advice about Introductions
  • Chapter 4 – The Difference between In-Person and Online Sales
  • Chapter 5 – How Do You Overcome Nervousness?
  • Chapter 6 – What If My Clients Are Sloppy Speakers?
  • Chapter 7 – What Is the Best Way to Connect with an Audience?
  • Chapter 8 – Can You Give Me an Example of the Circular Speech Structure?
  • Chapter 9 – How Do You Stand and Move on Stage?
  • Chapter 10 – How Do You Make My Team Meetings More Exciting?
  • Chapter 11 – How Do You Successfully Copresent?
  • Chapter 12 – How Do You Copresent When the Other Person Is the Star?
  • Chapter 13 – How Do You Slow Down?
  • Chapter 14 – How Do You Sound Less Monotone?
  • Chapter 15 – What Do You Say When You Don’t Speak?
  • Chapter 16 – How Can You Be Funnier?
  • Chapter 17 – How Do I Open My Presentation? Fripp Live Examples
  • Chapter 18 – How Do You Dress for a Presentation?
  • Chapter 1: Speak to the Audience of Your Audience
  • Chapter 2: Every Sales Professional Can Sell More
  • Chapter 3: The Key to Connection is Conversation
  • Chapter 4: Three Key Elements to Your Presentation
  • Chapter 5: Your Sales Presentation Structure
  • Chapter 6: Open Your Sales Presentation with Impact
  • Chapter 7: The Fripp Sales Scripting Formula
  • Chapter 8: Closing Your Sales Presentation On a High Point
  • Chapter 9: Take Your Satisfied Customers with You – Part 1
  • Chapter 10: Take Your Satisfied Customers with You – Part 2
  • Chapter 11: Specificity Builds Your Credibility
  • Chapter 12: Sloppy Language Can Lose a Sale
  • Chapter 13: Life is a Series of Sales Situations
  • Chapter 14: Audience Interaction
  • Chapter 1: Getting Up To Speed Fast
  • Chapter 2: Zoom Basics
  • Chapter 3: Zoom Security
  • Chapter 4: Connection & Live Call
  • Chapter 5: Screen Options & Meeting Controls
  • Chapter 6: Zoom Virtual Background
Presentation Skills         FrippVT User Meetings         Presentation Skills
Benefit from the wisdom and advice of Patricia Fripp and her colleagues who are experts in
sales, marketing, social media, and online meetings. Live events are arranged in 20 minute
segments. We continue to add to these courses.

How to Get Started

Select the option that’s right for you:

7-Day Free Trial

Sample three of the most popular chapters of presentation skills training for one week.
No credit card required.
Join Now

FrippVT Corporate Packages

FrippVT’s learn-at-your-own-pace, web-based training is a great way to increase your training effectiveness and decrease your training investment. Whatever the size of your company, we will create your own branded location with testing, tracking, and monitoring. Your investment depends on the number of members. Included with each location is a customized, web training kick-off.
Call Patricia 415-753-6556 pfripp@fripp.com

FrippVT Live

Learn from Patricia Fripp’s recorded live presentations. Improve your presentation skills while watching a Hall of Fame speaker and coach deliver 12 speeches.

Titles include the following:
“How to Open your Presentation with Impact: 8 Ways to Grab your Audience’s Attention”; “How to Write a Speech: From Napkin to Stage”; “Under the Magnifying Glass: From Good to Great Presentations”; “Selling Yourself, Your Ideas, Your Expertise.”; “Presentation Skills – Hollywood Style

Enjoy the presentations for $25 a month for as long as you wish. Then upgrade to FrippVT for interactive training.

If you upgrade to FrippVT, you will receive credit for your entire investment in FrippVT Live.

Join Now

FrippVT Ongoing Access

Join FrippVT and pay monthly.
No contract, stay as long as you receive value.
First month $297 and $29 each month after.
Join Now

FrippVT Sales Only

FrippVT – Sales Only – For three months get access to five interactive courses that will help drive sales: “Superstar Sales Presentations: The Inside Secrets”; “Maximize Your Executive Overview”; “Maximize Your Networking Opportunities”; “How to Deliver a Dynamic Webinar”; and “The Prosperity Series: Fripp Live Sales.” After three months, if you upgrade to FrippVT, you will receive credit for your entire investment in Sales Only.

$127 for 3 months of access.

Join Now

Robert FrippVT

Enjoy the wit, benefit from the wisdom, and learn to present in a conversational manner.

The Wit, Wisdom, and World of Robert Fripp: In His Own Words

4 recorded live presentations. “Beginner to Mastery”; “How to Be a Hero for More Than One Day”; “The Man Behind the Music”; and “How to Improve the Audience’s Experience.”

Enjoy the presentations for $25 a month for as long as you wish. Switch to FrippVT Live, OR upgrade to FrippVT for interactive training.

If you upgrade to FrippVT, you will receive credit for your entire investment in FrippVT Live.

Join Now